by $HITdao

Introducing the Great 'wich Switch 2024

A fun and exploratory journey on Etherlink, a new EVM-compatible L2 chain on Tezos.

This event, led by trusted frens $HITdao and $SKULL Degen Club, invites Tezonians and others to safely explore Ethereum technology. The goal? Mint your BLTNFT and stake it to earn BACON/BREAD LP tokens!

What is the Great 'wich Switch?


The Great 'wich Switch is a culinary tour of Etherlink, offering an engaging way to experience this EVM-compatible L2 chain. Using $BACON and $BREAD tokens, mint special NFTs like Lettuce and Tomato. These aren't just collectibles; stake them to earn $MAYO tokens and work towards minting your ultimate BLTNFT.

Technology & Collaboration

Get $BACON and $BREAD from The $BACON and $BREAD from mints goes into a LP pool, and all contracts we deployed are ThirdWeb's battle-tested and proven contracts. We're also open to collaborating with other Etherlink projects to expand this DeFi pub crawl. Join us in exploring the diverse opportunities on this new chain!

$MAYO coin

How to Participate

Phase 1: Whitelist Mint


Early adopters minted Lettuce and Tomato NFTs, holding them to earn $MAYO. Each NFT generated 1 $MAYO per 24 hours.

Phase 2: Public Mint & Stake


Mint remaining Lettuce and Tomato NFTs and stake them on This phase is open to everyone—stake your NFTs to earn $MAYO!

Mint Now

Phase 3: BLTNFT Assembly

SEPT '24

Burn one Lettuce and one Tomato NFT, use $MAYO tokens, and pay fees in $BACON and $BREAD to mint your BLTNFT. Stake these BLTNFTs to earn BACON/BREAD LP tokens. For the bold, burn 10 BLTNFTs to mint a Grilled BLTNFT, offering 20X returns!

Why Participate

Why Participate? is more than just a DeFi project; it’s a community adventure. By minting and staking NFTs, you earn rewards and contribute to the ecosystem. The ultimate goal is to create and stake BLTNFTs, combining all the ingredients into a single, powerful asset that provides ongoing rewards. Join us on this food tour of Etherlink!

Join the Fun

Start your journey in the Great 'wich Switch today. Mint your NFTs, stake them, and earn $MAYO. Whether you're here for the fun, the rewards, or the community, is the place to be. Dive into the DeFi world with $BACON and $BREAD and discover the delicious potential of the Great 'wich Switch!

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